Saturday, March 8, 2008


Unlock The Secrets To Relieving Constipation, Losing Weight, Curing Your Eczema And Other Skin Problems, Getting Rid Of Aches And Pain, Remove Your Bad Breath And Addressing Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome All In One Go....
A Nutritionist Approved Diet Plan That Is Easy And That Actually Works!
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Saturday, 08 March 2008 From the desk of Sandra Kim Leong
Dear Friend,
Constipation, Bloating, Skin Problems, Low Energy....You Name It....You Seem To Be Fighting A Constant Battle...
If you're like how I was previously, then you are likely to be constipated, bloated and suffer from debilitating cramps. On top of that, you may also have skin problems and feel tired all the time. You’ve also got a tummy that you find hard to lose, despite exercise and a low fat diet. Here are some of the questions that you probably have with regards to your symptoms:
How to remove bowels on a regular basis without straining too hard to produce a few hard pebbles?
How to reduce the frequency and intensity of my IBS symptoms?
How to get rid of bloating and gas?
Why am I not losing weight despite being on a diet plan that is supposed to help me lose weight? How do I achieve a flatter tummy? Why do I feel so sluggish and tired all the time? How do I treat my constant headaches without drugs? Is there really no cure for eczema or other skin related disorders? What can I do to reduce my bad breath? Etc etcSounds pretty familiar? If you've been having some of the above mentioned symptoms for some time, chances are you would have tried all kinds of treatments such as OTC or prescription drugs or even surgery.
Yet, you'd be dismayed to find that your problems really never went away. In addition, you’ve got one more BIG problem. As much as you would like to find out the answers to the above questions, discussing about bowels, bad breath, gas and other embarrassing symptoms that you have is not exactly a topic that you would like to do with someone else so readily. So your questions go unanswered. And you continue to struggle with your problems of constipation, bowel movements and other symptoms every single day. Having been in your shoes for more than 10 years, I totally understand the situation. I was looking for a solution myself. I went around, searching for information.
So, here’s what I found out.
The Root Of All Your Digestive Symptoms Is A Dirty Inside!
Take a look at the picture below as to what may be the answer to the root cause of your digestive ailments.
Mocoid plaque.
It is a long piece of old fecal matter that you are likely to have if you have been leading an unhealthy lifestyle all these years. It is what probably explains your constipation, bloating, lethargy, weight gain, large protruding body, frequent headaches etc. The list of symptoms and diseases is almost endless.
"Death Begins In The Colon"“Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material." - Vegetarian Times, March, 1998
In fact, you would want to know that most illnesses don't just develop overnight. They are likely to be result of many years of your body being overburdened with toxins. Toxins affect your immune system. You end up getting more chronic symptoms and less energy.
Toxins can come from internal or external sources. Externally, they can come from your polluted environment or the food that you consume. Here are some examples of the type of foods that probably feature a lot in your regular diet:
sugar sweets biscuits crisps chocolate cola and soft-drinks fats & oils cigarettes and alcohol pharmaceutical drugs chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) in your food etc.If you're nodding yes, then chances are you have unknowingly been polluting your insides.Internal toxins are really the result of your external toxins. They are produced by your body for excretion. Problems start when your body become incapable of eliminating all the different toxins and chemicals you inhale and ingest every day. Unfortunately, your body is simply not designed to process the amount of toxins that you put inside you in the name of speed and convenience.
The toxins accumulate in your cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs (such as the colon, liver and kidney) and remain stored for an indefinite length of time. A toxic build up causes all kinds of health problems.
Here is the simply analogy...
After some time, this trashcan (your body) smells, looks bad, gets choked up, overflows with waste and becomes a colony for all kinds of insects, bacteria and germs. Can you see connection with the symptoms that you are experiencing on the outside: bad breath, aging skin disorders, weight problems, constipation, gas, bloating, flatulence, aches and pains?

Know this.
Your condition is simply a symptom of a very fundamental and dangerous imbalance within your body.
What you are essentially experiencing outwardly is a sign of an inner body that is polluted, toxic, and acidic. Unfortunately, a toxic and acidic inner environment is a breeding ground for all kinds of parasites to proliferate. These can cause your body's processes to wear down. It is no wonder that you constantly feel sluggish, bloated and tired all the time.
When you experience various symptoms, you feel sick. So you embark on a plan to deal with the symptoms. You consume drugs, steroids and just about any medication that can quickly put you out of your pain. However, as you well know, most drugs are merely symptomatic treatments or reliefs. They do not cure. Many are also toxins as they weaken your immune system. What is meant to help you out only make matters worse to an already overloaded inner terrain.
Most of you begin to have bowel difficulty. Some of you also start to develop tumors. Others have high cholesterol.
I’m also sure that you can now see if you have tried to lose weight which are really fat cells (and are therefore toxins), changing from one diet fad to another wouldn’t help either. The fat cells are still there. Not unless these diet plans specifically helps you to lose them.So, here comes the exciting part. I found the solution, the secrets to getting your health back.
Balancing and improving bowel health is the root to curing many of your symptoms.
You need to cleanse and help your body remove the toxins that are causing you problems. You need to take a break from more toxins. As soon as you stop consuming highly processed foods or ingesting toxins from your environment, your digestive system gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. This gives your body a chance to heal and rebuild itself.
Herein lies the crux. It is far more important to pay attention to the health of your insides than to have to deal with the symptoms that drugs can fight on the outside.
How I went from more than 10 years of chronic constipation, bad skin problems, frequent headaches and constant fatigue to no more cramping, healing skin, 4 lbs off my weight and more energy than ever in fewer than 14 days!** Individual results may vary.
After much research and consultations with natural health practitioners, I started to cleanse. Shortly afterwards, I felt the benefits all round with improved health and more energy. I lost most of the fat that I gained post pregnancy, dealt with my poor skin condition and had more energy than ever to play with my kids. My friends started complimenting on the positive changes that they see. That's when it hit me. I felt that I needed to share what I've discovered with more people. Especially those who continue to eat their favorite fast foods and sugar laden drinks. Those that continue to suffer through agonizing aches and pains. Or those who are looking for Natural Cures. I got the assistance of a naturopathic practitioner and nutritionist, Emily O’Malley to help me refine a detox diet plan for a book. I wanted this book to explain things in a simple and straightforward manner. I also wanted step-by-step cleansing programs and meal plans that you can put together.In fact, this book is not like other book written. You can't buy it at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. This book is only available as a download to your PC and sold only on the web.
Here’s a peek into what the information in this ebook contains:
How To Plan A Detox Diet Progam. What happens if you are overweight by 75 pounds or more? What happens if you are overweight but by 40 pounds? What happens if you are trying to address your skin problems? Pick the one that best suits your conditon. Find out details about a complete program that lasts for fewer than 14 days. Unlike some other cleansing regimes, the detox diet program here does not require you to starve for a month. Yet results are just as remarkable!How To Easily Start A Fast With A Single Fruit. A Detox Diet Program need not be complicated. Find out how to get started on a cleansing program that is easy and yet highly effective.Find Out How You Can Target Your Sugar Addiction. Have you got a sweet tooth? Can't eat if your food does not come with good doses of sugar? Well, you may have a sugar addiction. The problem is that you are consuming sugars that are highly processed and these only add to your fats. Find out what foods to switch to and watch your cravings reduce! Find Out What You Can Do To Target Nicotine Addiction. Smoking can cause great harm and it is even more addictive than drugs like cocaine. Find out the details of a detox diet plan to help you remove nicotine toxins. Find Out How You Can Cut Down On Caffeine With The Least Amount of Withdrawal Symptoms. Bet you didn't realise that too much caffeine can lead to headaches and toxic build up. Caffeine can overtax your nerves in the central nervous system. What alternative should you consider while you cut down on your regular cups of coffee? How To Make Your Detox Diet A Success. You want to boast to your friends and relatives about your successful detox diet program. What your friends and relatives do not know is that the plan you follow is easy, flexible and comes with minimal side effects - all the ingredients that will make it a highly successful and effective one! How To Ensure That Your Colon, Liver, Kidney And Skin Performs Optimally. Find out the role that each of your organ has to play in the eliminative process of toxins and why it is important to ensure that they are all functioning properly.What Detoxification Herbs You Can Use To Restore Bowel Health. After the onslaught of toxins, you need to rebuild your health. Find out what herbs can help speed up your recovery and rejuvenate your health. How To Incorporate Chinese And Indian Ayurvedic Herbs For Cleansing. Detoxification is not a new concept. It has been practised by the Chinese and the Indians since several thousands of years ago. You can harness the power of eastern herbs by adding them to your Detox Diet.
Detox Diet Recipes For Your Daily Life. How does recipes like "Detox Omelette" or "Detox Pizza" sound to you? You'd be surprised that they can be very appetizing when you try them out. Get practical recipes that you can easily follow even after the cleansing period.
More About The Detox Diet Program Found In This EBook
The Detox Diet Program here is designed to help your body “burn” the waste products it contains as well as to cleanse your internal cellular environment. It also maintains the health of your body’s eliminatory organs to prevent the buildup of toxins. This detox diet plan naturally enhances your body’s health by eliminating waste products and prevents your body from absorbing toxins during this process.
The Detox Diet Plan here in this book is somewhat less intense than a water fast or complete fast; yet at the same time, you can expect the same bodily responses.
During the cleansing process, autolysis (whereby your body draws nutrients from its own tissues), the removal of toxic buildup and tissue regeneration all occur.Autolysis is triggered as soon as your body needs nutritive components that are not present--or are only present in limited quantity--in the food specified for the diet. To continue functioning normally, your body then draws nutrients from within itself. Diseased tissues and toxins are broken down and cleansing of your internal cellular environment takes place.
The Detox Diet Plan is designed as such:Easy to do;Removes the fear generated by not eating;Reduces the severity of any side effects that you may experience;Stimulates and sustains body function even while you cleanse.

Anyone should be able to follow the above meal plans and recipes. This ebook not only helps you to treat your existing symptoms but also keeps dangerous diseases (including cancers) at bay - without doctors, expensive prescription drugs or side effects.
"Now that I am in my mid forties, I have started to face certain health issues and looked for ways to improve my physical well being. Sandra, your "Detox Diet" book showed me how I have been abusing my body and has given me the impetus to make changes to my dietary lifestyle. What l like are the simple to follow diet plans that I will try :) to use. Get back to you how well I am doing in a couple of months!"
Gordon Leedonwww.AbundanceLaw.comMore testimonials can be found here.
Take control of your bowels and insides now!
Price: $37.00
I’m going to give you some bonus ebooks so as to make sure that you get your money's worth and to reward you for taking action and taking charge of your health. Get The Detox Diet Secrets eBook and receive the following bonuses:
Bonus Free Gift 1:Sources Of Toxins(Valued at US$17)
Contents Of The ReportSources Of External Toxins;What Are The Internal Toxins Stored In Your Body;What Internal Toxins Can Cause You Harm If They Are Not Eliminated;How Toxins Of The Mind And Spirit Can Affect Your Well Being.
Bonus Free Gift 2: Juice Fasting And Juicing Recipes (Valued at $19)
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This will probably be one of your best investments in health information. Detox Diet Secrets can help save your life by preventing diseases that can develop years before the first symptoms show up.You don’t want to continue to be like a trashcan. Life sucks when you are constantly in pain, tired and emitting bad smells!
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Wipe Off The Years From Your Appearance!
Price: $37.00
If you are not convinced, here’s the summary once again…. If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, you would need this ebook: Chronic constipation Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Frequent headaches Eczema or skin related disorders Fatulence, gas and bloating Excess weight Food allergies Parasites in stool Bad breath and body ordor Constant fatigue and low energy Yeast infection
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Price: $37.00
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Price: $37.00
Love and light,
Sandra Kim LeongIn Collaboration With Emily O' Malley, Naturopathic Practitioner And Nutritionist
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